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Wisconsin Wit

Friday, July 15, 2005

WATERCOOLER: Should Wisconsin Change to 75 mph Freeway Speed Limit?

A bill proposed by Sen. Tom Reynolds, R-West Allis, would raise the speed limit on freeways to 75mph. Wisconsin DOT has not yet taken a position on the change. Eric Skrum, communications director for the National Motorists Association, has floated the idea that the speed increase will actually make the roads safer. The Janesville Gazette quotes him as saying that " Speed doesn't kill. Its the speed differentail that causes accidents."

This appears to be the current logic on many things these days. It's not pit bulls that kill, just dumb owners. It's not guns that kill, but just bad owners. Now it's not speed that kills but dumb drivers. What is your opinion? Does speed kill or not. Should Wisconsin raise the freeway speed limit to 75mph? You make the call.


  1. Anonymous7:17 AM

    The current speed limit is fine, studies show that catostophic injury and damage increases as speed increases, then add inclement conditions and they both increase. Montana,Wyoming, both tried the higher speed limits and found it was to high and adjusted them down.
    Those areas are far less congested than our highways here.
    Besides with gas leveling off between 2.50 and 3.00 dollars a gallon who could afford to drive that speed.
    Do you really want semi trucks weighting in at 80,000 pounds coming at you at 75mph?
    The cost of maintenance will be higher as well. Which will also add to the cost of a gallon .

  2. Anonymous12:21 PM

    People do not drive the speed limit now. If it's 55 they are going 65-70, if it's 65 they are going more like 80. Where does it end?
