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Sunday, July 17, 2005

Evansville Schools Struggles with Truancy---Cuts at Risk Programs...HUH?

This is the first of several posts that will examine the problem of truancy. What it is, why it is important to address as a community, as a school, as a legal matter and as a family matter.

In the graduation address by Heidi Garvin, she refers to the key to learning as the emotional link that turns knowledge into a real passion that lasts a lifetime. Real learning is like lighting a fire that turns into a huge forest fire that burns for a lifetime. Many of us parents and teachers just see the flame lit. We don't live long enough to see the forest fire. OK, maybe some of you younger parents will. So, we are in the fire starting business, not the knowledge business.

In the post above is a link to a "Manual to Combat Truancy". (http://www.ed.gov/pubs/Truancy/index.html) Truancy is really a sign that the links that motivate kids to learn have been broken. It is a family matter, a school matter, a community matter.

Thus, the Observer is perplexed by the action of the Evansville School Board, which has struggled over the past six months going over "truancy" issues, to recently "downsize" the at risk resources of the Evansville School System. How can you de-emphasize the early intervention resources just at the time that they have been most needed?

You make the call. The comment line is open.


  1. Anonymous3:58 PM

    I heard there is a potential lawsuit out there againest the school district for how some students were handeled this year? Any news on that?

  2. Anonymous4:10 PM

    This school district used to have a very good reputation, it has lost that. The district does very well with students who are talented and gifted, but when it comes to the students that are more difficult, harder to reach they fail. The staff k-12 needs alot more education when it comes to kids with behavioral needs. It is very sad how some of these kids are treated., No wonder why they don't want to come to school. It seems as though if it's difficult they don't want to do it, they want the easy way out. There is no way 1 person is going to be able to handle the 5-12th grade at risk program thats a bad joke and heidi
    carvin knows it.

  3. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I worked within the Evansville School district for the last 3years. I finally got sick and tired and gave up. If people only knew about some of the things that go on there, and the way some of the kids are treated they would be sick. None of these people deserve raises in fact just the opposite they should be fired. They claim to have the best interest of the students but there actions show they do not. It's the kids who have the least ability to speak for them selves that have always got the short end of the stick, and if Heidi has her way will continue to get the shaft. I encourage all parents who have a child with a disability to make alot of surprise visits to the school ,to check on your child it will be worth your time. No this is not sour grapes, I quit because of lack of hours, and frustration over what I saw.

  4. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I was reading the notes from the last school board meeting and Heidi Carvin makes a comment about the administators in this district are UNDERPAID compared to other districts. Heidi wake up this is a job, you don't deserve a raise if you are not doing a good job, and the very fact that you have no problem asking for more money for yourself, while cutting programs for the kids, tells everyone that you are not doing a good job.

  5. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Cutting the At Risk program is a mistake. The program helps the children who are least likely to be able to speak up for themselves. These are the students whose parents cannot or are not able to help them out and the school's At Risk program is their only hope.
    Without the program several of these students will fall through the cracks in the system and you will see them again hanging out on the streets and in the court room.
    I hope the school reconsiders the staffing of this worthwhile program.
    As for salaries, we all deserve a raise if we are doing a good job. Based on that the administrators should be judged by the people they work for (teachers, public and school board) as to whether or not they are doing a good job. I believe some are and there is always room for improvement for others. Leave the adminstration alone and let the school board who we voted for decide on their salaries. If you do not work there you have no idea what type of time, effort and hard work these jobs take.
    On the other hand there are some support staff (administrative assistants) that could use a little more to do. They could take over a lot more and still have time to make personal phone calls and walk around.

  6. Anonymous6:08 PM

    On channel 15 tonight they told of how some schools in Milwaukee and Appleton are saving money by eliminating the position of school principal. They have the teacher's handle all the things the principal's do. It saves them a ton of money, and there are no cuts to teaching staff. If the Evansville school district continues to struggle with their budget and make foolish program cuts then maybe this is something they need to seriously consider.

  7. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I have a wonderful idea for all you people who are grousing about the school district and the decisions the administration makes.
    How about running for the school board? How about attending school board meetings? How about volunteering to work with teachers or on school board committees? Few community people actually attend any meetings or get involved.
    It is easy to bitch and gripe. Anyone can do that. Do something constructive!
