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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Planning Commission Adds Process for Public Input; Adds checklists for proposal review

The Evansville Planning Commission has added additional moments in the planning process for public comment and input. In the past, the only time that a public hearing was held was for a zoning change. This was after annexation and preliminary plats were divided. The public was often frustrated by not having a say early enough in the process. So, the Commission has proposed a notice of public hearing for both annexation and preliminary plat actions.

They also displayed in their conditions to several of the proposals on the 7-5-2005 agenda, that they seek to avoid surprises by using a checklist to make sure that the Planning commission does not miss anything and are consistent in policy over time. The use of checklists was brought up in the discussion during the public input at the Smart Growth meeting of June 15, 2005 and cited as a method of improving the planning process.


  1. Anonymous8:17 AM

    This 'checklist' of theirs is not going to do any good if they don't take it seriously. If they just sit back and say well to us, all looks good, well then what is the point. Same old behavior by our city officials. You can put all the frosting on it you like, its still burnt cake underneath.

  2. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Anon, you could make that argument for almost anything. What do you not understand? There will be a checklist. It will be taken seriously. Mistakes "could" still be made.

  3. Anonymous9:00 AM

    This checklist changes nothing. Because if at the like at the last meeting, they flew through the check list, with out so much as discussion on any of the topics. It all sounded good to them. More money for the city and contractors thats all they care about, history shows this. Nothing has changed.
