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Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Components of Lake Leota Draw Down Action Plan presented by Bill Hammann

Here is the sequence of the Draw Down Action Plan:

1. Work with Public Works

2) Get DNR Approval

3) Conduct a Public Information Meeting

4) Test Water Clarity]

5) Repair the Sluice Gate

6) Drain the Lake

7) Evaluate Sediment
a) Visual survey
b) Topographical survey
c) Analytical analysis of dryness of sediment
d) Test dredges

8) Active Rest--Lake Leota will rest druing the entire 2005-2006 winter season

9) Fill Date Determination

10) Fill Lake


  1. Anonymous6:27 PM

    I need to ask this question, what will the net result be after this plan is complete?

  2. Anonymous9:13 PM

    Drawing down a mill pond for a long period of time allows the sediment at the bottom to dry out and compact, so you gain depth when the lake is re-filled. Also, drying the sediment removes a lot of the nutrients, so when the lake is re-filled, the clarity of the water tends to improve. In addition, while the lake is empty, it give you an opportunity to repair the dam and do shoreline conservation work.

    Bill Hammann

  3. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Thanks for the information. Would it be suitable for swimming?

  4. Anonymous7:58 AM

    I was wondering if the cost of doing this was given? Also will this fix the lake or just will the same problems reoccur in the furture?
