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Thursday, September 01, 2005

On the Magic of TIVO; or Dreams of Noah's Ark

I must apologize to my readers for not being able to cover the dicussion of the amendment to the Evansville floodplain ordinance at the Evansville Planning Commission on Tuesday nite, Sept 6th. I did have a long day at the auto repair shop, and after the lengthy discussion on sandwich board signs, felt a need to retire. If the meeting had been on cable tv, and I had TIVO, I would have had full coverage.

However, as usual after these long meetings, I did have an odd dream.....Yes, Yodamom has warned me about these dreams, but I think this one is safe.

Suddenly last night in the dream, Noah appeared and shouted, "Build an Ark!" Being the obedient type, I quickly got started. The storm clouds were overhead, and there was a lot of pressure to get the job done to avoid disaster. I quickly searched for some cheap covering for the ark, and came up with some old siding, vinyl, as I recall. Suddenly there appeared before me, the historical preservation committee who wanted me to do the ark in appropriate historical wood---a lot more expensive. However, I was a resident and not a developer and hence could only qualify for a loan, not a TIF deal.

The storm clouds were growing and the pressure was mounting. There was a possiblity that if I rented out the ark, the historical preservation committee could get the TIF money for me, but time was short. I was a resident and not a landlord. I went with the vinyl.

What happened? Well, I don't know, cause I woke up just as I was loading the animals. I still have a bad feeling about the outcome, however.

What happened at the Planning Commission last night in the discussion of the ordinance to amend the City of Evansville floodplain management regulations to conform to the state model ordinance? I do not know.

I ask anyone who was able to stick it out to the end of the meeting to post and let me know what the details were. I will try to do a better job next time, and take some Real coffee to the meeting.