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Sunday, September 25, 2005

11 Virtual Schools in Wisconsin; Background on the changing world of education; WEAC sues DPI

As the 11 virtual schools in Wisconsin continue to attract attention, this is an article that provides some information on how the virtual schools get the content of their instruction, how they are overseen and also the forces that oppose their operation.

Click on the post for the entire article.


  1. WEAC is not the only group opposed to virtual schools. A major Wisconsin homeschooling organization, WI Parent's Association, is also opposed.

    As a homeschooler, I have to voice out and inform readers of the Evansville Observer that most homeschoolers ARE AGAINST virtual schools. Please go to the Wisconsin Parent's Association's website and read the articles on virtual schooling. http://www.homeschooling-wpa.org/issues/index.shtml

    I believe families should have options and be able to choose what is right for their children, but virtual schooling is NOT homeschooling by our definition. We have been trying to educate the public on the differences between true homeschooling and doing public school at home.

    PLEASE! PLEASE! Do not see virtual schooling as homeschooling!

  2. I can see why dawn would not want to have virtualing schooling confused with homeschooling. They are different things. However virtual schooling is not bad. It has alot of excellent benefits. For some kids its there best shot at getting a diploma, and its as good as any public school diploma as the one I have watched pretty closely is run, from a public school. I think you have to keep in mind that if public schools had not gotten as bad as they have you would not have all these people looking for alternitive's. People need to keep a open mind. People homeschool for different reasons. Some religious reasons some just sick of the b.s. of the public schools. In either case standard homeschooling or virtual schooling need to have very dedicated parents involved, lots of supervision required.
