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Friday, September 09, 2005

Feingold seeks to protect Katrina victims from harsher bankruptcy law provisions coming soon

The new more stringent bankruptcy law provisions are scheduled to take effect shortly and Sen. Russ Feningold seeks to make sure that the victims of Katrina are not subject to the stricter provisions of documentation etc that the law provides for.

The opposing view from the Republicans is that there are already exception provisions in the law for this. Feingold wants to make sure.

Click on the post for the entire story in the Janesville Gazette. What are your thoughts on the legislation that toughened the bankruptcy rules that was lobbied for by credit card companies and banks for almost a decade? Should the Katrina folks be subject to these or not? You make the call.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see Russ Feingold taking this stand. Someone needs to as we have been shown we can't depend on our president or the majority of the Republicans. I hope they are nice and toasty in their nice, clean, dry, homes with kitchen that are fully stocked and water that is drinkable. The govt.failed these people from day one. We need to make sure everything that can be done for them is done for them in the future.
