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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Wayne Steinlein announces for 4th Ward Alderman

In an exclusive Christmas Eve interview, Wayne Steinlein of 243 East Main Street has announced for the 4th Ward Alderman positon on the Evansville City Council. Wayne is a recently retired U.S. Air Force veteran who has served two tours in the war theatre, has played an active role in the citizens effort of the 4th ward to preserve their neighborhood as R1 zoning, and has been outspoken about the need for industrial and commercial development that will bring good jobs to Evansville, as opposed to TIF development that would only enrichen developers and create minimum wage employment.

I have reprinted a post of Wayne from last September in which he spoke of the ethanol project in Milton and of the TIF in Evansville.

Stay tuned to the Evansville Observer for all the debate, all the most breaking news of the coming election in Evansville.

The Observer has questions. You have answers.


  1. This is what we wanted to see. Thank You Wayne. We know Wayne and know that he will represent the 4th ward, honestly and will work hard to help preserve our neighborhood. It takes a strong person with strong unbendable ethics to hold this postion and do a good job. He's the guy for the job.
    Once again thanks Wayne.

  2. Looks like we have a 1st district Alder running.

    Mason Braunschweig has collected the signatures needed and will turn them in Friday or Tuesday.

    The new "far" West siders are excited to have someone running with our interests at heart.

  3. I think thats great. I am glad to see new people running. They need to get out their early and start letting people know who they are and what they would like to accomplish. Don't wait until April to start, some of these people have sat for years, way to long and people know who they are, and will vote for them because they know the name, and for no other reason.
