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Wisconsin Wit

Thursday, December 08, 2005

The rule of law vs. the rule of politics; Or, the saga of Fontana continued; Or, why the wall of separation is important

The Janesville Gazette has written an article on the history of the Fontana village President Tom Whowell that reveals a pattern of behavior. Click on the post for the full article.

The reader might ask, "Who cares?"

The wall of separation between municipal officials and police administration that allows the even enforcement of law is an important one. This wall of separation was mentioned briefly in the "View of the City" column by Mr. Bill Connors on December 7th in The Evansville Review. He points out that the Evansville Police Commission has the authority to fire and dicipline officers and not municipal officals, and that the purpose of the police commission is to "take politics out of the process." Section 62.13 of the Wis. Statutes covers this.

As funny as "The Dukes of Hazaard" or "Police Academy" or such movies might be for light entertainment, the even administration of law is a challenging task and an important one for small towns across America. It always has been challenging. It is not a laughing matter.

Stay tuned as the saga of Fontana unfolds.

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