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Wisconsin Wit

Saturday, December 10, 2005

On the "Happy Holidays" Matter; Or, Why just giving a smile, not a greeting, is a safer path

Bill Wineke always seems to address the difficult issues. Click on the post for his article on the "Happy Holidays" politically correct greeting this season.

What are your thoughts on this matter? You make the call.


  1. The funny thing is that Bill O'Reilly was selling "Holiday Ornaments" for your "Holiday Tree" on the fox news website.

    Holiday was quickly changed to Christmas when most of the Air America radio hosts pointed out his hypocrisy.

  2. I think the whole thing is just very sad. Christmas is a religious holiday.Christmas Trees need to always be Christmas trees, not holiday trees.We should not be afraid to express our religious beliefs. But it almost feels like those of us who do believe in a religion are being made to feel like their is something wrong with that. What I think is the most ridiculous thing yet is that there are some Churches who do not plan on holding service's on Christmas day, which is a Sunday. Christmas has become way to commercial and it would seem like some of these churches are giving in , instead of standing firm.

  3. I just don't think that O'Reilly truly cares about Christmas so much. This is a made up crusade for him to divert attention from the real issues the country is facing. He is very pro-war, pro-Bush and the polls don't look so good for Bush right now.

    If you watch the way he acts on his show and the situations he has found himself in personally, I don't think Bill O'Reilly acts very christian manner. I don't find O'Reilly to be a very sincere person.

    The meaning of the word Holiday is "Holy Day." If retailers want to use holiday to be inclusive, I don't see what the big deal is. I don't think it is an evil ploy to exclude Christianity. Retailers main purpose is to make money. With that in mind, I don't think they are wanting to exclude Christians.
