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Saturday, June 17, 2006

Scratch the 4th Amendment?; Just kick the door down, No problem;

"Grumps" has a reflection on the recent ruling of the Supreme Court that seems to simply eliminate the 4th amendment. Click on the post for the details.

I suppose the argument is that to be totally free, we must give up our freedom---- and one amendment at a time. Hang on.


  1. Anonymous8:45 PM

    The 4Th amendment is not being taken away.

    The police still need to obtain a search warrant. They still need to have provided probable cause to a judge.

    The police have to assume that the people in the house have weapons. Now they don’t have to knock on the door and let the bad guys know they are coming in.
    Giving them time to get to their weapons.
    This is not a good scenario for the police.
    Six officers were shot and killed across the country last week alone while serving search warrants.

    It would be nice to hear from the Judge Alsisinkus(sp?) regarding this matter as well as local law enforcement.

  2. Anonymous1:52 AM

    I would rather them kick down the door than tear down my home, like towns can when the liberal bench allowed eminent domain.

  3. Anonymous9:44 AM

    There has to be a balance and and procedures for anything and everything involving power and authority. They can not be allowed to just do as they please, and sometimes they do.
