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Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Re: New Volunteers for Service Wanted

billconnors <noreply-comment@blogger.com> wrote:
billconnors has left a new comment on your post "That relationship mystery revealed":

Roger Roth was appointed last night to the Redevelopment Authority, replacing Steve Hagen. Jeff Farnsworth was appointed to the Parks and Recreation Board.

The mayors have experienced difficulty finding people willing to serve on committees and boards, and organizations like ECP and the Chamber of Commerce have difficulty recruiting people to serve in leadership positions, so a small group of people ends up serving on multiple committees, boards, and organizations. We need more people to volunteer for service.

Bill Connors
Evansville City Administrator


  1. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Would you be more specific. What groups/ responsibilty are they in need of.
    Thank You for your service to our fair city.

  2. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I think part of the reason there is no input from people are people volunteering is the time... you are agreeing to serve these committee's faithfully, if I were older, did not have young kids, who have activities 3-4 nights a week between the 3 of them, on top of working a 50 hr week. I might. I think it is also discouraging that they are having to bring in someone to help them sort everything out, I work for a very large company we have weekly meetings and we TALK and LISTEN. I am very glad to See Roger Roth is going to be on the committee, he has a lot of to offer and is a good person. Very glad to see him sticking around Evansville, even if its not in a teaching capacity.
    One more note , several of these people on these committee's have business's , them serving on these committees, they have a need and desire to promote Evansville and their business. I am very glad to see LandMark growing. It will only be good for the city in the end. My question would be, what is the city doing to encourage them to choose Evansville?

  3. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Annon, I think you are confusing Roger Roth, CPA with Mr. Jerry Roth of McKenna Middle School.
