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Friday, June 23, 2006

Historic Preservation: Back to the 40's; Plan approved for restoration of roller rink-- aka China Wok; Caution on any illegal use of sand blasting

At the Evansville Historic Preservation meeting on Wednesday night, the Commission approved the plan to restore the front of the roller rink, aka The New China Wok, to the original 40's look and remove all non-historic additions--namely the brick blocks that had filled in where windows had been originally.

The Commission did warn on the use of any sand blasting on the brick however. It could ruin the brick. Plus, it might even be illegal. Not that the structure is a labeled historic structure, but it is in the neighborhood near historic stuff. So.... Click on the post to hear the whole discussion.

Let all be warned on the sand blaster thing. Wayward use of a sandblaster might be a bookable offense---not clear to The Observer whether this would be a felony, but still.....be careful.

this is an audio post - click to play

this is an audio post - click to play


  1. Anonymous10:05 AM

    This Historic Preservation group is a little egotistic would you not agree. The last part about sandblasting makes me laugh, well it is not a historic building but near the historic district. So what constitutes near anyways a 5 block radius, 10 block, Richard did you check with them on your swing because you are only a few blocks from the all great historic district

  2. Anonymous2:29 PM

    No I think its obvious from past city council choices, they do not think anypart of east main street past the tracks is historic.

  3. Anonymous5:25 PM

    While it is fun to joke, it is no laughing matter. Watch the make up of the "committees" that are being formed or re-formed. These people all have histories of strong stands on how things should be around here. Soon we will have a new "design standards" committee to tell us how to keep our homes looking how the committee wants them to look.

    Historically the historic preservation committee was just a little egotistic group, but now they have representatives in nearly all of the other committees.
