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Saturday, March 11, 2006

School Beat: Observer salutes Zweizig Planning Model; Proposes application to School Budget Planning

this is an audio post - click to play

In the audioblogger post, The Observer reflects on the classic speech of Doug Zweizig called "Planning's Other Half," and how the principles that were described and subsequently implemented in the Union Smart Growth Plan can be effectively implemented in the Evansville School District to promote effective and harmonious resolution of the difficulties resulting from the budget squeeze caused by the State of Wisconsin funding formula.

Click on the link to access the original speech of Mr. Zweizig. Click on the audioblogger to access my reflection on the application of these principles.

As I understand the budget gap, the current gap is caused by the state forumla and is NOT personal. It will occur EACH and EVERY year until the formula is fixed. It is NOT caused by the board or the superintendent. The bad news is that it is about $200,000. The good news is that it is about $200,000. That is a small number compared to other school districts near us. Only continued moderate growth in the Evansville School district will prevent it from getting worse.

The above are the thoughts of the Observer and not any memeber of the school district. I have not been privy to the exact numbers that will be revealed on Monday night.

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