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Sunday, March 26, 2006

Evansville Real and Virtual Candidate Forum--Instructions

The Questions below are for the city candidates and the school board candidates----and just as importantly---FOR YOU the citizen. The first three of each have been answered "live" at the Eager Free Library this morn. The candidates will summarize their live answer and also answer the second three.

All the visitors to the Observer who want to participate-----Click on the comment icon. In the comment space list your name and your comment on the issue. Then click anonymous as the type and fill in the letters displayed and then click publish.

The candidates will publish their answers in their leisure this weekend. Feel free to contribute your answer and watch others weigh in on the issue. All comments are moderated. All comments must address the issues and not the person.

This is not a debate as such. Candidates need not post additional to their original post but may if they wish. Not all candidates have chosen to participate in this forum and that is completely up to them as each conducts their campaign as they deem appropriate. All have been invited.

Have fun.


  1. This was a nice forum and I thought the format worked well (I made an exception and crawled out of my basement and went to the library this morning). It wasn't a large crowd, however the audience certainly wasn't empty. I don't know if people didn't see any additional benefit in this forum beyond the debate the other night (as far as the mayoral forum) or if people are more interested in participating through the "virtual" session that will be ongoing throughout the weekend. In future elections, if this forum continues, I would recommend attending, I thought it worked well.

    Is grumps holding all candidate comments until all participants have responded? I think that would be the most fair, so people in the races that are opposed won't get to look at how the first person that responded answers.

  2. Anonymous8:11 AM

    I was looking forward to reading what the school board candidates had to say. I've been following the recent activities, and am beginning to realize just how important these people are. I hope the other two candidates can find the time to put their answers on line.
