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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Gazette Corner: Gina Duwe reports on Evansville Half-Day Kindergarten Issue

Click on the post for the story in the Janesville Gazette regarding the Half-Day Kindergarten issue as it occured at the Evansville School Board meeting last night. Enjoy.


  1. Anonymous5:57 AM

    I think the administration is counting on not alot of parents picking their child up at noon, but want to be able to say, they gave the option, knowing full well there won't be many takers, the majority have to work, so that is not a option. They need to come up with a real solution.

  2. I haven't read everything in regard to this subject, but it seems like they are increasing spending to save money (by getting more state funding).

    I understand the reality of it, but it is really too bad that the state funding is structured in a way that the district is saving money by spending more and perhaps decreasing the level of education the half day kids will receive.

    I wish the state formula was more flexible so this wouldn't look attractive the district. In the long run it is our tax dollars regardless of whether they are coming from the state or from property taxes. It is too bad the formula isn't more flexible to allow for better solutions.
