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Wisconsin Wit

Saturday, March 25, 2006

City( mayoral and alderman): What is the best way for the city to survive the Main St. project with a viable business base intact?

1 comment:

  1. The best way for the city to survive the Main St project with a viable business base in tact is to take the lessons from our last project, Union and East Main St. The businesses which maintained positive attitudes did ok, one or two even prospered and came through with a larger customer base. The city can help. We can set the example of positive thinking. We can work with the Chamber and Friends of Main St. to come up with ideas for "Pardon our Dust" promotions and the like. We can keep a close eye on the project progress and hold the construction companies to all agreements. The city, through the Public Works Committee, has already been actively including the Main Street business owners in the public hearings to decided on the final look of our Main Street downtown. It is early days. Far too early to make predictions for any doom and gloom to come.
