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Friday, March 10, 2006

Agenda--Evansville Common Council --Tues- March 14, 2006

Common Council

Regular Meeting

Tuesday, March 14, 2006, 6:30 p.m.

City Hall, 31 S. Madison Street, Evansville, WI


Call to order.
Roll call.
Approval of Agenda.
Motion to waive the reading of the minutes of February 14, 2006, regular meeting and approve them as printed.
Citizen appearances other than agenda items listed.
Reports of Committees.
Evansville Community Partnership.
Plan Commission Report.
Second reading and motion to adopt Ordinance #2006-4, rezoning territory from Residential District One (R-1) to Community Business District (B-3).
Second reading and motion to adopt Ordinance #2006-5, amending the Municipal Code relative to parkland dedications.
Motion to approve Resolution #2006-9, setting a new fee in lieu of park dedication for April 1, 2006 through March 31, 2007.
Motion to approve the preliminary land division application of John Morning (Application #2006-4) for a two-lot division on Brown School Road as shown on the preliminary certified survey map, based on a finding that the land division is environmentally sound and there are adequate public facilities available to meet the needs of the land division, provided the conditions listed in the staff report and conditions imposed by the Plan Commission are met prior to recording the final CSM with Rock County.
Finance and Labor Relations Committee Report.
Motion to approve W&L bills and authorize their payment.
Motion to approve the City bills and authorize their payment.
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-5, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for converted farmland tax penalty.
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-6, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for Phase 1 of the skate park.
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-7, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for clerk/treasurer computer equipment.
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-8, amending the adopted 2006 city budget to increase the appropriation for the youth center for equipment.
Motion to approve the Proposal for Creating Tax Incremental District No. 6 by Ehlers & Associates, Inc.
Public Safety Committee Report.
Motion to adopt Ordinance #2005-52, amending the Municipal Code relative to No Parking Zones, as amended by Public Safety Committee.
Motion to approve Bond Schedule.
Public Works Committee Report.
Water & Light Committee Report.
Economic Development Committee Report.
Evansville Redevelopment Authority Report.
Parks and Recreation Board Report.
Historic Preservation Commission Report.
Fire District Report
Unfinished Business.
Motion to remove from the table the motion to authorize commencement of a condemnation action to acquire additional right of way on the south side of USH 14 for a drive-by lane opposite J. Lindemann Dr. and to authorize the City Administrator to hire legal counsel recommended by the City Attorney to represent the city in the condemnation action.
Communications and Recommendations from the Mayor.
Motion to waive the seven-day notice requirement and approve the mayoral appointment of Roger Berg to the Smart Growth Implementation Committee.
Communications and Recommendations from the City Administrator.
New Business.
Motion to adopt Resolution #2006-10, making findings regarding vehicular access from USH 14 to land owned by D&D Development.
Introduction of New Ordinances.
First reading of Ordinance #2006-3, annexing territory to the City of Evansville, Wisconsin (D & D Development Property). [by application]
First reading of Ordinance #2006-6, amending the Municipal Code relative to replacement of damaged nonconforming structures so as to comply with 2005 Wisconsin Act 112. [sponsored by Ald. Hammann and Ald. Sornson]
Upon the proper motion and approval vote, the Common Council will convene in closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(f), Wis. Stats., considering financial, medical, social or personal histories or disciplinary data of specific persons, preliminary consideration of specific personnel problems or investigation of charges against specific persons which, if discussed in public, would be likely to have a substantial adverse effect upon the reputation of any person referred to in such histories or data, or involved in such problems or investigations, and will not reconvene in open session. During the closed session, the Council will discuss the recent discipline of one of the city’s police officers.
Motion to adjourn.
Janis Ringhand, Mayor

Requests for persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting should be made to the Clerk’s office by calling 882-2266 with as much advance notice as possible.

Please turn off all cell phones while the meeting is in session. Thank you.

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