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Saturday, February 18, 2006

The Weightroom; #26; Or, The B-2 Bomber and You

Several weeks ago on PBS, as part of a special series, they touched on the B-2 Bomber. Mr. Bronchauccio asked the question of viewers as to where they thought the B-2 Bomber was made? My answer was California. The real answer? Yes, The Observer was wrong. The real answer is in EVERY state in the union. Why? The real answer is that whenever there is an attempt to kill the B-2 bomber, every state in the Union refuses because it has an investment it it's success. That distribution of manufacturing was intentional.

The other night in the weight room, I heard the head honcho describing the weight room. He mentioned the list of volunteer supervisors, about 75, of them that volunteer to supervise the weight room so it can be open seven days a week for the community. He also mentioned that due to VOLUNTARY contributions, the weight room is not dependent on taxpayer funding for its success. And, the range of participation of students is huge. Kids from middle school to the age of 77 are in the weight room weekly. Yes, the guy in his seventies is a champion weight lifter and has been in our local newspapers for his national awards.

The bottom line: When a program is loved by a large majority of the people, and it is funded by donation and volunteers step forward to administer it, NOTHING can destroy that program.

In the future budget woes of cities as well as institutions such as schools and health facilities, The Observer believes that the lessons of the weightroom will be instructive.

Yes...You heard it here. The Theory of the Weight Room.

Make a note of it. You make the call.

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