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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

How Decisions Are Made: Addendum

Yesterday, The Observer posted an analysis by Althouse on "How Decisions are made," and in the analysis suggested that for complicated decisions it really is best to act like a duck, and that this is more effective than complicated analysis. I did make an exception for the case of automotive, and cited verse and line of my problems with the Lincoln Towncar to support my argument. (Click on the post for the original post)

I would like to add a second exception. Never VOTE like a duck. I hope all readers will take the time for learning about the candidates and their experience, education, position on issues and their vision for Evansville.

For all my dear readers in far flung jurisdictions beyond the Midwest, I deeply apologize. I did not in any way want to suggest to vote like a duck. I hope no national contests were influenced by my post. Your Humble Observer.

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