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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

On Writing

The number one goal of the Evansville School District in 2005-2006 is WHAT? Yes, to improve student writing. And the number two goal for the 2005-2006 year is WHAT? To improve student comprehension in reading for content.

So---How are we doing on the intense goal of improving writing. I am not sure. The official news is that teacher resources are being developed to realize the goal.

So--The Observer---to give a little hint of how deep the problem of writing can be---- or how long a process of curriculum focus this can be, has linked to a resource describing how just one simple little book taught in primary school, at a very early age---like 1st or second grade--can be used to develop awareness of not only the world that kids live in and the craft of writing itself, but also many other areas of learning. In short, a very simple story, and yes one of The Observer's favorites, can be the door that opens to a big exciting world of ideas.

Thus, there are some that might think that a poor writing score in the ACT can be solved quickly by a little refresher cram course. Unfortunately, the skill of reading for comprehension starts early and the art of writing starts right with it.

The very first thing FIRST Graders learn, and something that is instructive for Evansville residents and savy business types to know as well, is that FICTION is not FACT. When Martin Luther King read his "I have a dream" speech, he was not writing about facts, but about dreams. Some felt threatened by the dream of Martin Luther King. Some are still threatened by dreams. Still, dreams are fiction and are protected as free speech in America. That is what our soldiers are dying for. Remember? Did we forget what the deal of freedom was about? yo.

Finally the kids learn as early as 1st grade that writing is FUN. And some learn that reading can be FUNNY. Imagine. It is true that some students and alas adults, never find writing fun. And, they never find reading funny either. What a loss.

Click on the post for the full story. Clicking on the post is like opening the door to a whole new world----similar to the child reading that first book. Click and Enjoy.