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Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Juergens reflects on "Hometown."; Observer reflects on second grade

If you click on the post, you will see that someone has questioned Fred Juergens about his claiming Evansville as his "hometown" since he was not born here. His response handles the question nicely.

Last night in the Evansville School Board meeting, the units of study of First and Second Grade Social Studies were reviewed. This is out of my immediate memory span, so I took the time to review. In First grade students learn about their role in the classroom, school and the Evansville community and about being a good citizen. In second grade they learn that "History is change," and that "People make history."

So, the young students of Levi Leonard know that the future history of Evansville is up to them. What they do today counts. It will be celebrated in the future.

It's also nice to know that Fred has not forgotten these grade school concepts. The responsiblity of citizenship does not revolve around where one was born.

Click on the post for Fred's article. You make the call.

1 comment:

  1. I think its great that Fred feels comfortable enough to call Evansville his hometown. I think any where someone plants there feet could be considered their hometown. I think the fact that Fred seems to becoming more and more involved is a clear sign he considers Evansville his home.
