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Thursday, January 26, 2006

Aikman weighs in on "Openess" and "Inclusion"; Praises Mayor Ringhand; Pledges continued improvement

In the first ever Mayoral forum on line, Mayoral candidate Karen Aikman described the improvement in "inclusion" that has marked the term of Mayor Janis Ringhand, and she pledged to continue this and even make it better. She related a story of a governmental meeting some 5 years ago or so where she was told her attendance was not welcome. This has changed.

Karen Aikman goes on in her comments to praise the leadership of Mayor Janis Ringhand in leading and allowing this dialogue to occur. The Observer agrees.

Those of you who had the opportunity to purchase "The Best of the Evansville Observer 2005," or take it out from the Eager Free Public Library, know that the book is really a chronicle of the progress over the past year in "openess", a progress that did not just happen, but one that the city and its leaders participated in and enabled. In short, the book is a campaign document, although sadly it is now out of print.

In many of her speeches and private communication, Mayor Ringhand has urged others to participate in public life, citing what this service has given her. Some might dismiss that as just political talk. It is not. She may have began her service believing that because she has always lived in Evansville she had a right to serve, but she has ended her service demonstrating that because she has the skills of leadership she has the ability and desire to serve. Big difference.


  1. I have to agree with Clarice. I have been to many a meeting where Mayor Ringhand made it very clear our time was up and that it was just to bad if we had anything else to say. Maybe they have done a better job more recently but I will believe it when I see it. There does is room for improvement and change.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. The issues we had with the city there was no sub-committee's. It was strictly the city council and the planning commision. More than once she told the time for comments is over, even after they had brought forward new information, we were not allowed to comment on the new information. Giving credit where credit is due is fine, if its deserved. They are going to have to show a pattern over a good amount of time, I would think at least a year, before I would be willing to say, they really have changed. I would not give out the credit just yet. Its also a election year they are on their best behaviour, that also plays into this. Even without Mayor Ringhand.

  4. Okay, but after the Council and the Mayor recognized the difficulty with dealing with new information the process was changed to involve more citizens.

    We need to understand that the Council meetings are not gripe sessions. Many cities have imposed time limits or limited the number of citizens allowed to speak.

    None of us gets all the decisions that we want to go our way. I think that Mayor Ringhand and this Council have gone a long way toward making sure that we are considered in the decision. That was not always the case.

  5. Hey Sandy, Mike Anderson & The unknown Tom Nonn.

    Where are you?

    I believe you are missing a great opportunity to weigh in on some of the important issues.

    If you haven’t figured it out yet this blogging thing is BOOMING.

    What a great way to get your thoughts out for FREE.


    Are you afraid to deal with the issues?

  6. i agree they have made changes. It took them along time to make those changes.

    YOU call them gripe sessions those of us with something at stake call it leg. complaints and concerns and yes that is what the council is there for, to hear and to take into considerations the citizens of Evansville's opinions and concerns.

    Like I stated before I will have to see these new practice's continued for a fair amount of time before I will believe.
