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Friday, July 28, 2006

Nostalgia: Apr. '06: Classic Audio Evansville Schools: Deb Olsen stands firm; 5% increase in utility expenses for next year; Reliance on Centerpoint

(Ed. note. Please adjust tone for poor quality.)

this is an audio post - click to play

As stated in the audiopost, the prior year budget was $178,000 and the plan had been for usage of $325,000, a figure that had been adjusted upward because of the spike in energy prices due to Katrina. The actual expenses should come out at $249,000, which is about 75,000 under budget, but still a 40% increase over ACTUAL from the prior year.

In the audiopost, Deb Olsen asserts that the increase budgeted for next year from this year actual is 5%. This despite the fact that this year's weather has been 9.5% below the 30 year norm. She states that the 5% figure was gotten from "Centerpoint" who takes the prior year consumption into consideration. The District is totally relying on Centerpoint and has made no independent determination of what the budget should be.

You make the call.

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