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Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mailbag: Update: Observer letter to WE Energies: Reply pending: Forcast of percent increase of natual gas prices for next winter

(Ed. note. This letter was written on May 11, 2006. No reply was received. One of my beloved readers stopped me on the street and asked for an update.In the coming years I will keep you posted as to its status. As for now. It's Normal. No response.)

Recently I called your customer service line and asked what I should plan on the percent increase of natural gas prices for next year.  I was told -------"We don't know."
That puzzled me, since on the futures charts for natural gas there are prices marked that as a supplier you could lock in excess purchased gas etc. and make a prediction after the lock what the cost to your current customer base would be.  Why then could you not tell me what your forecast is? I have a hunch that you do have the "lock" but would like to ride profits as far as possible rather than commit to consumers what you plan on charging.  Please clarify.
I am in the process of writing a story for The Evansville Observer, a news blog, here in Evansville, Wisconsin. I would like to know for the purpose of informing our fair readers as to what homeowners, schools and cities can expect to pay for natural gas prices over the next year so we all can budget accordingly.  I will wait your response.
Thank You,
Richard T. Woulfe
Evansville Observer

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