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Monday, July 24, 2006

Minutes: Historic Preservation: July 19, 2006

Evansville Historic Preservation Commission

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Wednesday July 19, 2006, 7:00 P.M.

2nd Floor, City Hall

Present: Dennis Wessels, Steve Culbertson, John Decker, Rich Modaff, Steve Christens,

Betsy Ahner

Absent: Louise Keely

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by chair Rich Modaff. Motion by Decker, second by Wessels to waive the reading of the June 21, 2006 minutes and approve them as written. Motion carried.

44 W. Main St. – Owner Jan Taylor displayed color photos of the deteriorated wood on her soffit, siding and porches. She described the repair work to be done and showed photos of a porch she would like to use as a model to add more detail to her porch. She asked permission to make the new porch 40 inches wider than the current porch. This will give her room for a sitting area. John Decker praised and thanked Jan for the work she has done in maintaining this signature home in Evansville. Motion by Wessels to approve the application. Second by Christens. Motion carried.

210 Church St. – Owner Rick Way distributed color photos of the current windows and explained the work he wished to do. He will restore two small windows on the outside and inside to their original arched design. Motion by Decker to approve the application. Second by Wessels. Motion carried.

30 Garfield Ave. – This application may be submitted after the fact as a result of the diligence of the city building inspector. Motion by Wessels to approve the application. Second by Culbertson. Motion carried.

120 W. Main St. – a garage project was previously approved for this address with the exception of the roof, pending an opinion from the Wisconsin State Historical Society. Rich has contacted the owners to remind them that the roof was not approved and to ask them to appear before the Commission. A memo from Jim Sewell at the WI Historical Society has been provided to them and we will place them on the August agenda.

Intensive Survey

Tim Heggland reported he is having the time of his life. The project has grown from about 125 buildings to 400 buildings. Also, he has discovered Ruth Ann Montgomery and he has gotten an enormous amount of excellent information from her. He stated, she is the kind of resource one dreams about but rarely finds.

He has taken photos of every building in the district and wants to include much of Ruth Ann’s information in both the report and the WI Historical Society database. The current database has many gaps and some inaccurate information. He is working towards completing the contracted survey work and report in the next three weeks and then will enter the Ruth Ann’s information into the database on his own time.

There were several homes that he didn’t have construction dates for but he is working to find that info. He spent the morning in Janesville researching tax records for the buildings in the two new proposed historic districts. Tim complimented Evansville on its downtown restorations. He said it is usual for a community to have so many restoration projects and buildings in such original condition. Commission members spent several minutes explaining what had encouraged building owners to make this type of investment in their properties. Tim also stated that when he was photographing buildings he was surprised how few people realized their home was in a historic district and what the tax implications were. HPC members discussed the availability of a mailing list of all properties in the historic district. Jan Taylor offered to key them into the computer if addresses could be obtained. This would greatly enhance the ability to communicate with these property owners and perhaps encourage more homeowners to do historic restorations.

It was decided to hold a final Public Information meeting in cooperation with the Evansville Grove Society in September. Tim is available on September 28th and Mayor Decker will contact Joe DeRose on his availability. Ahner stated that the Grove Society will be meeting on Thursday evening and can discuss it then.

John Decker reported that he has found a reference in the state database that the WI Historical society holds an easement on a home on the north end of Railroad Street. The home was moved there when UB&T built its drive through facility.

Bricks on Main Street

John Decker reported Assemblyman Brett Davis has been monitoring the committee making the recommendations on funding Transportation Enhancement applications. He learned that Evansville has been ranked 14th and that the top 25 projects have been recommended for funding. The Secretary of Transportation is expected to make the final decision and announcement in August.

Jeff Farnsworth has learned of a new community development block grant from the Department of Commerce which can be used for infrastructure. They are working on an application to extend the bricks west to First Street and east to the railroad tracks.

Grove Society and Baker Building

Betsy Ahner reported that the underground utilities have been marked in preparation for moving the electrical onto the building. She has inquired about having an architect look at the building and give recommendations on ramp and bathroom design and insulation of the building.

Redevelopment Authority

The Redevelopment Authority did not have any applications to approve at its July meeting but is anticipating receiving applications from the Night Owl and Jan Davis of Century 21. Greg Ardisson has been invited to fill a vacancy on the committee and is considering it.

Easement Draft

John Decker distributed copies of a draft easement that he has prepared. He asked committee members to review it prior to the next meeting. The most attention should be paid to #2 Alterations and #3 Written Consent. This document would only affect new easements, unless homeowners with the older easement choose to sign the new one. Dennis Wessels suggested that the HPC pick up the Filing Fees for the easements. It was the consensus of those present that money should be put into the 2007 budget to do that. Decker explained that he left discussion of the plaque out of the easement because he did not want homeowners to think that removal of the plaque could constitute removal of the easement. After the HPC has reviewed this easement, it should be sent to the city attorney for his review. Mayor Decker suggested that a list of criteria for eligibility be developed.

Other Business

Ahner asked if the HPC would be willing to pay the $30 rental fee for the after hours use of the library for the meeting with Tim Heggland and Joe DeRose. The Grove Society would provide the refreshments. Motion by Wessels that the HPC pay the $30 rental fee for the use of the Eager Free Public Library meeting room. Second by Christens. Motion carried.

Agenda item for August meeting – Budget.

Motion by Decker to adjourn. Second by Wessels. Motion carried.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    WHat are these tax implications Tim speaks of?
