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Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Breaking News: School Board: Board Tables motion to accept Mr. Roth resignation

After The Observer left the Evansville School Board meeting about 9:30PM the board acted to table the motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Jerry Roth, principal of the J.C. McKenna Middle School.

As folks may remember who followed the virtual debates during the election, The Observer had in his vision for the future, the vision that Mr. Jerry Roth WOULD be the principal in the year 2015. I have taken a bit of teasing from the locals about this forecast that might have so quickly been proven wrong.

Stay tuned to the Observer or look for the Janesville Gazette for the coverage---Gina Duwe should have the details.

1 comment:

  1. I would like to see them do what they need to do to keep him. His experience and the things he has done for the middle school are very valuable and not replaceable. I would encourage other parents as well to encourage his staying. We hate to see him go.
