Over the past months, the stories written about Evansville by Danielle for the Janesville Gazette have been the starting point for many lively public discussions on this blog site. On Saturday, I ran into Danielle in the coffee shop and she shared with me that this week she is beginning her new career in advertising with a major communications firm in Janesville.
Naturally, I was disappointed that she was jumping ship right in the middle of the saga of the sandwich board signs, but I understood that one might not be able to hold out till that saga was ended. You might have noticed that on Sunday, there was not one story about Evansville in the Janesville Gazette.
Over the years, Danielle and I have attended many of the same meetings, and I always have admired her perception of what was important in a meeting, and have also admired the things that she left on the editing floor as really a distraction from the story. So, I have learned a lot from her writing. And, yes in some cases, I would let her wade into battle with a story and just be the Observer.
There are no gold watches in the journalism biz, so I do award Danielle the symbolic Observer "Golden Watch" award for her service to the Evansville Community.
The Observer wishes her well with her new firm. Her kids are excited because there are some cable tv benefits along with the new job. Bravo.