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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Evolution Corner: What does Intelligent Design have to do with "No Child Left Behind?"

Physics Today has an interesting article that explains why the "standards review" and textbook review begun because of the "No Child Left Behind" legislation has resulted in an uproar in many school districts as arguments are being made to include many different theories in addition to evolution.

Pennsylvania is in the forefront as usual. Even the Smithsonian with its exhibit of elephants has gotten into the fray. Click on the post for the entire story.


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    I went to read this article thinking it was going to go more in depth as to how ' the no child left behind' program thats been put in place. I think the 'no child left behind ' program has NO real benefit for our kids, and the school district has to comply with it because other wise they lose some of their federal funding. The way its been explained to me by school officials is its to see how each child is doing, and see where they are. HELLO, if you don't know where are kids are based on their daily work, and tests, the teachers and staff have a problem. IT should NOT take one of these tests to tell you where are kids are. I personally have opted my kids out of these tests and will continue to do so. These kids have to study for these tests like they are finals, and they get nothing for it. No grade, nothing. The kids have enough preasure to do well in school as it is and I am not going to subject my kids to
    unneeded testing. If the school EVER challenges my right to opt my
    kids out, they will find out how seriously ridiculous I find it to be. BY the way when I first told the school that I was opting my kids of the testing they tried to tell me that I could not, that the law says they have to take it. THEY LIED to me, to try to get me to do what they wanted. I informed them right away that I know better and they could stop trying to convince me to do it, by lying to me. Is this how our school officials operate, YES. They need to remember that we are the parents and we will ALWAYS have final say with what happens with our kids in a public school. They work for us. Secondly my kids get A's and B's so its pretty clear how my kids do.
    I think more parents need to pay attention to what is going on at the school, they would be surprised.

  2. Anonymous9:51 AM

    The only reason the school does these tests in for the federal gov.
    The school has become way to focused on politics, than on education.

  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    I also have talked to the school about these tests, for ' No child left behind'- they informed me that hardly get enough funding from the gov to create these tests and it hardly covers the time put in by teachers and staff. So why do them? I think they are fibbing... I think they get plenty.
    I agree it is silly, if you are qualified educators, you know which students are doing o.k. and who is not with out any ' fed tests' I think that is much to the credit of Evansville keeping there class size's small
