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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Pink Flamingo Braces for Cold Weather, Snow


In a further move of support for Woulfe for Evansville School Board, the legendary pink flamingo has secured gloves and hat to prepare for a cold and blistery campaign. In a move seen as possibly teasing Mr. Woulfe who always seems to be wearing a NY Hat, the pink flamingo has its own winter cap with NY insignia. The flamingo seems to have forgotten that gloves do not fit and is pondering the next move.

Stay tuned to the Evansville Observer for all the episodes of the lone flamingo.

Remember. Never underestimate the power of a Lone Flamingo. Posted by Picasa


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Interesting campaign theme:
    The Woulfe and the Flamingo
    Hmmm. What could that mean?
    How about getting a couple more flamingos and using the theme:
    A Woulfe among the flamingos.

  2. Will Do. Thanks for the idea.

  3. Anonymous7:32 PM

    The flamingo looks lonely. I think he'd like a few pink friends.

  4. Am I getting the impression that the Evansville Observer may not be impartial in this campaign?

    Ok, time for the editorial staff to make endorsements!!!


  5. Diamond One:

    The Evansville Observer will publish in its Mailbag section any articles regarding positions on issues that candidates would desire to mail in. Simply mail as text or word document to fre2observr@yahoo.com

    With respect to the pink flamingos, they do get a bit carried away with partisanship, but I will mention to them that they do need to try to constrol themselves.

    S0--diamond one---email away. The commnity is waiting to hear your views.
