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Monday, January 29, 2007

Background: Heating Systems: Levi Leonard:

One of the recommendations in the Plunkett Raysich study to be discussed at the February 2007 Evansville School Board meeting,( Page 21) is that in the event that the Levi Leonard structure is remodeled, that the heating systems be upgraded---the current boiler is a 1962 Cleaver-Brooks boiler. The recommendation for replacement is the DeDietrich Cast Iron Boiler.

Click on the post for some background information on this new De Dietrich Cast Iron boiler.

In reviewing the study, it is unclear to me why there were two new boilers installed in 2001 and are Bryan flex tube hot water boilers, but the 1962 Cleaver-Brooks boiler was considered o.k. in 2001. I am including this post for all those HVAC folks in Evansville, where we have more HVAC guys per 1000 of population than anywhere in America. Just kidding, guys.

1 comment:

  1. What is the company that did the study getting out of all of this besides what the cost was of the study? Do they build schools too?????
