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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Automotive Corner: The New "Navigation" Coming

Click on the post for the breaking news today that Nissan is going to expand their navigation systems to include live data regarding gasoline prices so as to reduce the cost to the driver of gasoline.

I suppose that this will occur as a flashing notice on the navigation system -----and accompanied by a smooth voice letting the driver know that "regular" gas is only $1.99 at the exit ahead. And then....as the driver does not signal at the upcoming exit, the voice may become more insistent on the necessity of exiting to take advantage of the once in a lifetime gasoline bargain.

I can visualize a further enhancement once the gas saving feature is installed----the cost savings on food. Yes. First the pleasant voice letting the driver know that barbeque chicken wings are on special right NOW at the KFC just conveniently off the exit 2.1 miles from right now, and if the driver mentions the audio infomercial, they will receive an additional 10% discount.

Then as the driver approaches the exit and chooses not to signal.....the discount goes to %15. Plus a free beverage.

I am not sure that I really can fully appreciate all the possibilities of this new navigation system. Maybe Hotels and other services will be featured on the navigation system.

I just do not know. After all, there already are so many voices gently telling us where to go...... and what to do---do we really need another navigation system right now? And to pay for the honor of being so navigated is....maybe...just too much.

You make the call.

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