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Monday, January 29, 2007

Background; Plunkett Raysich notes expansion capacity of New High School for HVAC (p. 27)---8-10 classrooms

In preparation for the February 2007 Evansville School Board meeting, on page 27 of the Plunkett Raysich study, they note the the HVAC capacity for 8-10 classrooms is already built in to the current new high school. They note on page 27 that "The piping from the building to the geothermal well field is sized for the addition (future expansion). However, to save money during the initial building phase, only enough "bore holes" were drilled for the present load. ....if any expanion of the building takes place, additional "bore holes' and buried loops will be required."

In summary---the new high school is ready for expansion without any major HVAC expense. The geothermal system is ready for it.

1 comment:

  1. Is any expansion really needed?? One needs to look at the districts around us. They are getting smaller.... These school buildings have served us well for a lot of years. Why all of a sudden are they falling down? Are they being taken care of on a regular bases? Lots to take in here....
