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Thursday, January 25, 2007

BIG( Building Improvement Grant) Committee; Minutes: January 2007

Evansville Building Improvement Grant Committee

Special Meeting

Monday, January 22, 2007

City Hall, 31 S. Madison, Evansville, Wisconsin


Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm by Dan Wietecha. Present: James Otterstein, Betsy Ahner (arrived 5:12), Rich Modaff, John Decker, and Chris Eager. Also present: Mayor Sandy Decker and Jeff Farnsworth.
Declare Quorum. There being a majority of the members present at call to order, a quorum existed to conduct business.
Approve Agenda. There was no objection to the agenda as distributed.
Election of Chair. Chris Eager moved, seconded by John Decker, to name Rich Modaff committee chair. Motion approved with all voting in favor.
Election of Secretary. Chris Eager moved, seconded by John Decker, to name Dan Wietecha committee secretary. Motion approved with all voting in favor.
Approval of Minutes of October 17, 2006 Meeting. Motion by John Decker, seconded by Chris Eager, to approve the minutes as distributed. Motion approved with all voting in favor.

Old Business. On behalf of Peter Dast, Sandy Decker gave a recap of the previously approved project. The original application had been to install a rear door with an entry porch. The BIG committee approved a matching grant for the project contingent on approvals from the Historic Society. The Historic Society approved the door but indicated a different design would be required for the porch. The $6,344 door has been installed, and the property owner intends to move ahead with a porch in the future. John Decker moved, seconded by Chris Eager, to award the $1,200 grant for the door only and release the restriction on the porch. Motion approved with all voting in favor.

New Business.
Jeff Farnsworth submitted his application for a $1,200 grant to restore the façade of 12-14 East Main Street. The project consists of restoring the original symmetric positions of the doors and windows of the building and painting the front with period colors. Chris Eager moved, seconded by John Decker, to approve the $1,200 grant. Motion approved with all voting in favor.

Committee discussed accepting future applications on an on-going basis. It was noted that addition interest in the program is anticipated after reconstruction of Main Street; however, the number of applications has been small enough to be manageable without set deadlines. There was also a request to check into the fund balance in the old revolving loan fund; it had been the original source of capital for the BIG account and may be available for additional funds. Chris Eager moved, seconded by John Decker, to accept applications on an open pipeline basis until further direction by the committee. Motion approved with all voting in favor.
Adjournment. Chris Eager moved, seconded by Betsy Ahner, to adjourn the meeting. Motion approved unanimously at 5:17 pm.

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