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Wisconsin Wit

Thursday, May 04, 2006

On Alcohol; The Equation; The Mystery

Evansville Observer said...

If x equals the total alcohol consumption and y equals the total outlets retail and take out for alcohol, then x/y would be the sales per outlet.

If we continue to add increases in y, is it possible that there will continue to be folks selling alcohol but making no money doing so and closing their doors? Thus-----More would in fact be less.

The only hope, dispair of it is the possiblity that x or the consumption could continue to climb -------so we maybe only drink and give up eating food entirely so as to continue economic progress.

So. Is "More", in fact "Less." or is it the reverse? You make the call.

6:03 AM


  1. Anonymous8:00 AM

    I agree, they will eventually run each other out of business.

  2. Anonymous11:49 AM

    i disagree as i posted previous the true liquor store in this town is non-existant. the places that currently sell beer in this town do so as a added item, the pig i know makes a good profit on beer sales, if there are more people selling beer consumption will not go up, sales as a add-on item true will go down not to the point of business closings but yes will go down. i do not understand peoples thoughts that since there is more places to buy beer everyone will turn into the town drunk. last time i checked i do not go on a bender just because i see beer at a gas station.
