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Thursday, March 15, 2007

Minutes: Town Of Union: Monthly Meeting, March 1, 2007--Approved Operators License of Level 8;

Town of Page 1 of 4 Union Monthly Board Meeting Minutes - March 1, 2007
Minutes for March 1, 2007
The Town of Union Board regular monthly board meeting was called to order on March 1, 2007 at the
Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main Street, Evansville, W I at 7:03 p.m. by Chairman Kendall
Schneider. Supervisors George Franklin and Don Krajeck were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance
was recited.
Having read the minutes, Supervisor Krajeck moved to waive the public reading of the minutes. Second
by Supervisor Franklin. The minutes of the February 1, 2007 meeting were approved as written.

Sharon Franklin, Treasurer, reported balances as of February 28, 2007 as follows:

Local Government Investment Pool General Fund $1,022.92
Park and Recreation Fund $11,502.48
UB&T Money Market Sweep Account $901,855.70
Of which $50,000 is Contingency Fund
UB&T Checking Account $18,000
Leedlemill Bridge Certificate of Deposit $16,607.20
Wayne Disch Memorial Park Fund $1,496.53
Morning Ridge Stub Road Certificate of Deposit $17,455.84
Treasurer’s report approved as read.
Building Inspector’s Report
Town of Union Building Inspector, Bob Fahey, reported issuing one (1) building permit last month:
Date Permit
Parcel # Name Address Description Construction
Permit Fee
Fee Due
19-Feb-2007 07-3-B 6-20-176.1 Birchwood Trailer
Park/Dawn Barnett
8441 N. Hwy 14 Lot 1 Electrical
$120 $110
Bob issued no (0) driveway permits.

Constable’s Report
Constable Kim Gruebling’s report was read by Chairman Schneider. He noted three calls this
month: “On 2-7-07 Tom Sayre called and said his tenant at 16326 Cty C moved out and had
abandoned a dog and a cat. Sayre was going to convey the animals to the shelter. I
authorized placing the dog but the cat is Sayre's responsibility. There should be no pickup
charge. Also on 2-7-07 received a complaint from 14151 Northridge Dr. about the barking dogs
at 7941 Robert Dr. I contacted the owner of the dogs(3) a Patricia Brigson-Kena by telephone.
We discussed her responsibility and suggested that she eliminate her doggy door. The dogs
are apparently going out and barking while she is away. I also urged her to get licenses for the
dogs and to get their vaccinations up to date. These are the same dogs that Chairman
Schneider received a complaint on last month. On 2-23-07 the shelter called and a woman had
brought in a golden retriever that she found wandering on Bullard Rd. I authorized the placing
of that dog again. There should be no pickup charge.
Brush Report
Supervisor Franklin noted three trees on Bullard Rd, one across from the golf course, one on
Cemetary Rd between Johnsons and the remodeled farm house on west side of the road, and
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two on the corner of Territorial Rd and Cemetary Rd. that need to come down. Supervisor
Franklin is in contact with Ron Gay about cutting the brush. Supervisor Krajeck identified a tree
at Pleasant Prairie and Emery Rd. that is in the driving sightline.
Public Comment: 5 minutes max/issue.
Stephen Lentz asked if there was going to be any further action on the purchase of the Norman
Thompson property and what was up with the Francis Park. Chairman Schneider noted the
upcoming Parks and Trails Committee meeting.

Doug Zweizig noted that it’s difficult to identify 6th street as a cross road when coming from the
west on Croft Rd. He felt a sign should be placed indicating the cross road.

Alvin Francis noted that he’s been approached to put up a test tower for a wind generator. Bob
Fahey noted that currently we don’t have a wind generator as a conditional use in our zoning
code. Ron Combs noted to check into this issue at the state level as they may have some
requirements. Chairman Schneider stated we shall put this issue on the March Plan
Commission agenda.

ECP Update
Doug Zweizig provided information on the Evansville Community Partnership initiatives and
volunteer opportunities.

Board Action: Stella Krumwiede, 6516 N. Weary Road, Evansville, WI 53536 requests a
land division, conditional use permit and zoning change to create a new 3.1± acre parcel
from a 35.24 acre A1 parcel (6-20-311) for the purposes of constructing an electric substation.
Plan Commission recommended approval of land division and conditional use
permit with both parcels becoming non-conforming A1 parcels.

Supervisor Krajeck moved to approve the request by Stella Krumwiede of 6516 N. Weary Road,
Evansville, WI to divide a 3.1 acre parcel from a 35.24 acre A1 parcel (6-20-311) for the
purposes of constructing an electric sub-station. Both lots would become non-conforming A1
parcels with the 3.1 acre parcel only being able to be used for the substation. The township
grants this land division and conditional use permit for the substation on the 3.1 acre parcel.
However, if the town attorney further recommends Board of Adjustment Action to approve the
non-conforming use or lot size, this motion is made contingent upon the Board of Adjustment
approving such use/size. Approval is also contingent upon the payment of all associated town
attorney fees which at this time are around $200. Second by Chairman Schneider.
Motion approved by a unanimous roll call vote. Chairman Schneider will talk to Attorney
Forbeck. Ron Combs stated that a non-conforming parcel can never be used for any other
purpose than what it was on the day it was created.

Notice of Claim from Aloysius Dahmen & Steven Evers
Kendall heard back from MSA that McQuire will be taking care of the situation. Chairman
Schneider stated he is getting something in writing from MSA which the town will then forward
to Dahmen and Evers. At this time the board didn’t see the need to involve the attorney.

Territorial Rd Project Finalization

Chairman Schneider has a 20 item checklist from MSA of what still needs to be done on
Territorial Rd. TRIP Funds sunset July 1st. A complete package must be submitted at that
time. Clerk O’Leary will void the check for $14, 000 which Chairman Schneider is still holding.
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Motion by Chairman Schneider to pay $5,750 for the extra work by MSA and withhold $8,250
until the contract work is complete and to void the $14,000 which Chairman Schneider is still
holding for MSA. Second by Supervisor. Motion passed by unanimous voice.

Public Hearing:

Ordinance modification Zoning Ordinance 17.19 (4) and (5). (4) Building
Permit Fee -

In the event any person shall commence any work which requires a permit
prior to such person obtaining the required permit, the building permit fee established
by resolution of the Town Board shall be doubled. (5) Building Permit Expiration - All
building permits shall expire 24 months after the date of issuance of the permit. If such
permit expires, no final inspection nor occupancy permit will be issued. If a permit
expires prior to final inspection and an occupancy permit being given, a new permit
must be applied for at the current fee rate. Building codes current at the time of the new
permit will be enforced.

Public Hearing opened at 8:11 p.m. Clerk O’Leary noted that according to 2005 Wisconsin Act
208, in order to change something in the zoning ordinance IT would require a 2 posting notice
which this item didn’t have. Motion by Supervisor Krajeck to take no action at this time and to
incorporate these changes into a new ordinance chapter for Building Permits. Second by
Chairman Schneider. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
Bergendal Septic Services Request for Overweight Hauling
Motion by Supervisor Franklin to send Bergendal a copy of the letter sent to him in 1999.
Second by Chairman Schneider. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Conditional Use Permit Review for Tom & Connie Davis 10608 N. East Union Rd.
Evansville, WI 53536 authority transfer to Plan Commission.
Motion by Chairman Schneider to transfer authority to review conditional use permit for Tom &
Connie Davis, 10608 N. East Union Rd., Evansville, WI 53536 to the Plan Commission.
Second by Supervisor Franklin. Motion approved by unanimous
Nominations for Plan Commission, Board of Review, Board of Adjustment and Parks &
Trail Committee.

Plan Commission terms expiring are Alvin Francis, Mike Exum, and Eric Larson. Brad Fahlgren
and Scott Katzenmeyer’s terms are expiring on the Parks and Trails Committee. Steve Lentz’s
term is expiring on the Board of Adjustment. Chairman Schneider will ask those whose terms
are expiring if they would like to serve again.

Cavalier Mobile Home Park
Carolyn Larson is planning to have a survey done of the east side lot line. This should aid the
township in identifying where the lot line is for Cavalier Mobile Home Park.
Attorney Consultation Re: Plan Commission Procedures & Shotliff Request
Motion by Chairman Schneider to have Supervisor Krajeck and a Plan Commission member
talk with Attorney Forbeck about the Plan Commission procedures and Shotliff’s request.
Second by Supervisor Franklin. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
Training Opportunities for Plan Commission
Motion by Chairman Schneider for anyone who wants to attend the training including the Plan
Commission and Town Board to attend the training options available. Second by Supervisor
Krajeck. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.
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Growth Management Allocation Plan
Supervisor Krajeck noted that the Town of Springfield has a plan. No other discussion or action
Dog Kennels Licensing Procedure
Treasurer Franklin wanted to know the procedure for licensing dog kennels. Bob will get a copy
of what Magnolia has for dog kennels. Treasurer Franklin provided the state statutes for dog

Operator’s License for Level 8

Supervisor Franklin moved to approve the operators license for Adrienne Schmidler at Level 8
expiring June 30,2007. Second by Supervisor Krajeck. Motion passed by unanimous voice

Update Resolution Authorizing a Town Representative to File Recycling Grant
Motion by Supervisor Krajeck to approve resolution 2007-01 authorizing the Clerk of the Town
of Union to be the town representative to file the recycling grant application. Second by
Supervisor Krajeck. Motion passed by unanimous voice vote.

Ballot Counting Machine

Motion by Supervisor Franklin to purchase the Eagle Ballot counter with condition that the
Library allows storage of the machine and ballot box here. Second by Supervisor Krajeck.
Motion carried by unanimous voice vote.
Park &Trails Committee Meeting Date
Chairman Schneider is looking at meeting on Tuesday March 20th at the Eager Free Public
Library at 6:30 p.m. to work on the Parks & Trails Plan.
Pay Bills
There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was made by /Supervisor
Krajeck, second by Supervisor Franklin to adjourn the meeting. Bills were approved for
payment and the meeting was adjourned at 9:11p.m..
Linda A. O'Leary, Clerk

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