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Friday, March 30, 2007

Evansville Schools Enrollment Projection

Click on the post for the enrollment projection for Evansville Schools. There is now a link on the Observer sidebar to easily access this report.

Of note----On page 12 of the enrollment report there is an analysis of Rock County population by age from 2005 to 2030. In age group 15-19, there is a population of 11,485 in year 2005 and in the year 2030-----it is 11,363.

In age group 10-14--in 2005 there is a population of 11,679 and in 2025 it is 11,652 and only in 2030 does it go to 11,642.

The sole age group of increase====Age 5-9. In 2005 it has a population of 10,690 and in 2030 it has a populatin of 11,592.

This provides a good view of the profile of Rock County. The numbers are pretty clear. Growth of any kind presupposes continued birth rate holding constant, quality jobs holding steady and rising in Rock County, and citizens migrating to Rock County. To assume this, Rock county would have to defy the national pattern of declining birth rate, defy the pattern of decreasing manufacturing jobs, and defy the plunging pattern of building permits and housing construction resulting from a bust in housing due to overstimulation of home ownership and predatory lending practices of certain subprime lenders preying on the most vulnerable of loan applicants.

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