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Thursday, March 22, 2007

Minutes: Partial: New Business Common Council: March 2007

(Ed. note. This is the new business portion of the March 2007 Common Council minutes.)

New Business
Motion by Juergens, seconded by Braunschweig, to recommend to Common Council the approval of Tax Incremental District #7 Development Agreement between the (1) City of Evansville and (2) North Prairie Productions, LLC and Landmark Service Cooperative. Mr. Wietecha reported that Landmark Service Cooperative needed more time to review the agreement.
Motion by Juergens, seconded by Braunschweig, to table the motion. Motion passed.
Al Willimovsky led the discussion on 2005 Personal Property Tax bill for Turn 2 Construction in the amount of $454.07. He questioned the total assessed value on his business personal property and claimed a hardship case in regards to paying his bill. The Committee refused to write off his bill and instructed Mr. Willimovsky to set up a payment plan with the city clerk.
Mr. Wietecha led the discussion on the Purchase Order Policy and Procedures and Accounts Payable Policy and Procedures. He is reviewing a new procedure requiring the use of purchase orders to facilitate the accounts payable process. The Committee stated they reviewed this matter with the previous city administrator and the department heads were instructed to use purchase orders then. Mr. Wietecha will continue to review this matter with the Accounts Payable Policy and Procedures.
Mr. Wietecha led the discussion on Budget Amendment Policy and Procedures. Currently, the city reviews budget amendments whenever the need arises. He is recommending the city review budget amendments once every six months. Thus, instead of dealing with budget amendments every month, the city will deal with them in June and December. The Committee concurred.
Mr. Wietecha led the discussion on the appraisal for the Police Department building. The appraised value was $178,000. The preliminary plan is to use these funds towards the purchase of the current Fire Station, 10 W. Church Street, and move the police department into that building. The Fire District is discussing the option to build a new station early next year. At that time, the city can continue exploring the option of buying the old fire department building and moving the police department into it.
Mr. Wietecha led the discussion on the Economic Development Committee Revolving Loan Fund. The City has a balance of approximately $71,000 for Economic Development Loans, which has been dormant for many years. Because of the long dormant period, Mr. Wietecha thought it would be prudent to obtain Finance and Council approval before using these funds again. The Committee instructed staff to draft policies and procedures for the Economic Development Committee Revolving Loans.
Mr. Wietecha led the discussion on Department Head Contracts. Mr. Wietecha reported that Wisconsin State Statutes give specific property interest in municipal officer positions, such as, the Chief of Police, Clerk, and Treasurer. Upon consultation with labor attorney Tom Crone, it appears that existing language in the Municipal Code could be interpreted as granting the same protection to other city officials. Thus, Mr. Wietecha recommended maintaining the current Code with adjustments to the department head contracts to make clear that they are given “for cause” protection. Also recommended were eliminating compensation time and mandatory attendance of the Common Council meetings. Additionally, he recommended extending contracts for a multi-year period. The Committee discussed the idea of a rolling three-year contract and instructed staff to draft department head contracts for their review next month.
Mr. Jepperson led the discussion and possible motion on 2007 Bond Issues. He reported that staff will be meeting tomorrow with Ehlers and Associates, our Financial Consultants, to discuss borrowings for Tax Incremental Districts and Capital Projects.
Motion by Braunschweig, seconded by Juergens to convene in closed session pursuant to Sec. 19.85(1)(c), Wis. Stats, considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governing body has jurisdiction or authority, and will not reconvene in open session. Motion passed unanimously on a roll call vote at 6:34 PM.
Motion by Cothard, seconded by Braunschweig, to adjourn at 6:47 PM. Motion passed.

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