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Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Mailbag: Can I receive Observer video on my cell phone? Chris writes:

(Ed. note: Some day you will be able to send short blips of video---maybe ads for your business or even....heaven forbid....news stories.....to the cell phones of some of your closest friends. O.K. I will have to shorten up some of the Observer video. Anyway------that someday is NOW. Chris answers my inquiry. Stay tuned. )

Of course you have to own the latest gadgets and pay for the multi-media services (don’t worry you can sell the house)
but yes, this is possible.

How can I send a multimedia message to a handset from my e-mail?Simply send it to your friend's multimedia messaging e-mail address. For Cingular subscribers, this address is theirnumber@mms.mycingular.com. Your friends will receive the picture and the attachments on their handsets if they subscribe to Multimedia Messaging.

Why won't my video message go through?Some video phones record up to 10 minutes of video. However, you will only be able to send short video clips through the Cingular network, roughly 300 KB or 30 seconds. To ensure that your video can be sent with Multimedia Messaging, go into the settings within the video recorder option on your handset and change the setting to the shortest option.


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