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Monday, November 13, 2006

School Beat: Joe Francis explains on elementary school roof repair

At the Buildings and Grounds meeting last week on Thursday at 7am, Joe Francis went over the condition of the elementary school roof that needs repair. It is the spot above the library.

That roof is a built up roof, which means it is tar. One spot has been leaking. Two years ago, a beam has been installed to split the roof in two so that it would not all have to be replaced at one time, but one side at a time. It looks like one side will be replaced next spring. About $75,000. It is the original roof.

The total balance in the buildings and grounds capital equipment reserve is $20,000. There is not an accrued amount each year set aside for roof repair. This is something that is being considered rather than trying to make repairs out of an operating budget. Stay tuned.


  1. Anonymous4:30 PM

    Maybe Mr. Francis should be setting money aside for this instead of waiting until it has to be repaired now!!!!! I would think you would put repair items in your budget every year instead of using the captial account and having to replace it.... Oh but, lets give back 48K for the operating budget of the 4 schools. And hey, lets put 20K in the capital budget without dedicating it to this issue.....

  2. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Why in the world do you have a public meeting at 7am???????? At least the school staff can make it, most others have to work at that time. Come on, lets have the meetings in the evening like most public meetings are..........
