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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

School Beat: Science: Supr. Heidi Carvin: Science AP Courses will be reviewed

It has only been 5 short months since the AP Chemistry matter was discussed at the Evansville School board. Ultimately, the AP Chemistry was offered over three terms. Now all this may be reviewed again.

Click on the post to listen in as Supr. Heidi Carvin reviews the upcoming discussion on AP Courses.

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  1. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Having participated in both accelerated English and accelerated Chemistry programs lo those many years ago in high school, I am qualified to tell the Administration and the Board that there is NO CORRELATION between what is done in AP English and what is done in AP Chemistry. Noting that AP English is already down to 2 semesters while AP Chemistry is 3 is irrevelent. AP English doesn't have a 4 to 8 hour practical lab every week to work into its curriculum nor is the content so dramatically different from that already seen in previous classes, making the challenge all the greater for the AP Chemistry students. It almost seems that our administrators need to take these classes to see for themselves how impractical their proposals are.

  2. Anonymous6:17 AM

    Is the school not their for the students? Is that not the idea? Tben why is it when its time for budget cuts, they look at things that will hurt the students. I have been in all schools plenty of times, as I am sure many have been, they could very stand to cut some office staff. You know how they cut the curriculum director, people doubled up, a job is better than know job. I do multiple things at work, without complaining, helping where I can because I am happy to have a job. I think this administration needs to remember they have a job because of KIDS, they need to come first. Its called priorities.
