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Friday, November 03, 2006

Mailbag: Kids Speak up on Half-Day Kindergarten

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  1. Anonymous10:02 PM

    kids have no clue what is going on, keep them out of it

  2. Anonymous11:47 PM

    I suspect that kids whose parents have been tirelessly working to enlighten the School Board as to the myriad benefits, cost and educational, of half-day kindergarten are probably much more savvy about this issue than "anonymous" gives them credit for. My children are all completely aware of where I am and why when I attend meetings, pound the pavement for signatures and spend late hours pouring over spreadsheets to convince the School Board of the inadvisability of discontinuing this program. I would not be surprised if a child produced this picture on their own as a reaction to their parent's absence during times they normally are not. Well...maybe they had help with the spelling.
