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Wisconsin Wit

Monday, November 14, 2005

RE: Supr Carvin Explains Evansville Schools Transportation Costs

--- "Carvin, Heidi" <carvinh@evansville.k12.wi.us>

> Richard,
> In Wisconsin, districts are required to pay for and
> provide
> transportation for students who live more than 2
> miles from school:
> (From Department of Public Instruction
> website)"According to Section
> 121.54(2),Wisconsin Statutes, a pupil attending a
> public elementary or
> secondary school, including kindergarten, is
> entitled to transportation
> by the public school district in which the pupil
> resides if the pupil
> resides two or more miles from the nearest public
> school the pupil is
> entitled to attend.
> School districts may also elect to provide
> transportation for pupils who
> are not required by law to be transported. If a
> school district elects
> to provide such transportation to some, but not to
> all such pupils, the
> law requires reasonable uniformity in the minimum
> distance that pupils
> attending public and private schools will be
> transported."
> The Evansville district provides free transportation
> to students who
> live 1.5 miles or more from school. Most districts
> have elected this
> shorter distance as a practical matter since if
> students have to cross
> or travel a hazardous area, you end up having to
> provide transportation
> anyway. An area is hazardous based on factors such
> as presence of
> sidewalks, controlled intersections, traffic counts
> and speed limit.
> About the only non-rural area that falls in this 1.5
> to 2 mile radius
> where we are providing transportation is
> Countryside. This area was
> declared hazardous several years ago due to a lack
> of sidewalks in this
> area (now somewhat remedied), railroad tracks and
> the intersection of
> Union and Main. Because of these factors, anything
> beyond Countryside
> would also be declared hazardous.
> The area south of Old 92/Croft Rd is also considered
> hazardous. Two
> years ago, this hazardous area also include the
> Francis addition
> subdivision and would have included the Bewick
> property development. We
> made sure that paths were established directly onto
> school property so
> that we no longer provided transportation for
> students who live within
> these three blocks of the school. At this point all
> of the students in
> the new westside developments are walkers.
> As you can probably gather, we have considered this
> idea and found it
> didn't provide any opportunity for cost savings.
> Heidi Carvin
> District Administrator