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Wednesday, August 15, 2007

OpEd: Observer Speaks: On Independent Review: On Examination of Conscience---the difference

(Ed.note: This was a comment on an earlier post that I have posted for better visibility.)

Evansville Observer said...

Bill and Mark:

I call for an INDEPENDENT ENGINEERING REVIEW----that is NOT termination or treating people arbitrarily. It is full due process and it is done in professional circles every day--pre surgery, post mortem, etc etc. It is not just folks reviewing their past deeds---that is examination of conscience and is in the realm of religion. It is also NOT fellow employee review---which is what was done in the Pat Tillman case---the guy who shot him made up the story. NO.

INDEPENDENT REVIEW recognizes that after a crisis event, such as a bridge collapse, or engineering failure, there was something that was not seen---and fresh eyes help.

INDEPENDENT REVIEW allows dignity and due process to the contractor and ensures results to the community.

Without it---nothing will be resolved.

That is as I see it.

The Observer

1:49 PM

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:18 AM

    It seems this issue is like the movie Groundhog Day. Every couple of months the same problems, the same excuses, this has gone on for years. I have already gone through my, be patient they will fix it phase. Its time to let the city know that the residents need a remedy. That area is too low and level to move any water, its just plain common sense. Until someone makes the city flinch this is nothing more than a third grade staring contest.
