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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Nostalgia: (July 19, 2007) OpEd: School Planning : Independence of Consultants, Depth of Analysis Key

(Ed.note: Independence of Consultants has been a strong theme of both school and city press coverage this summer----or put it another way----the lack of independence. It's time to raise the flag a little bit. Celebrate our independence. Celebrate the ability of our community to get what it needs to be successful.

At the end of July, the Evansville School Board will meet to hammer out the goals for the 2007-8 school year, as well as develop a plan of action for board development. Two of the board, Melissa Hammann and Jeff Herbers are new. They are coming up to speed on the issues and process of the board.

One theme of the recent Buildings and Grounds as well as School Board meeting for July, was the necessity for "Independence"------the board was dissatisfied with the analysis of the 4 period day since it never even considered options. There were real scheduling problems to be considered, and the study just seemed to go over the motions of things and not provide any guidance for the board to review.

With respect to the "site review"----the look five years out for the needs of the school district---if you reviewed Mr. Hatfield's comments on video, he identified the "chicken and egg" issue of the centralized versus the distributed site as having very different cost components----the community back in 1999 strongly preferred a centralized campus by a 60-40 margin of public survey. Having two additional campus locations, with the ususal building principals and athletic fields of all the sports naturally, would add tons to the cost of such design. On the contrary, a strategy of demolition of part of the oldest part of the elementary school and rebuilding plus site enhancement might significantly add value to the campus, and cut the cost of construction significantly.

Art Phillips in his comments regarding the data of recent housing starts provided a needed caution to the notion that if we build it, they will come. All of Minnesota, specifically the Twin Cities is closing schools like crazy, and are facing the decline of enrollment due to the aging of the population and decline of school age children per household---all elements that our city planner has discussed as coming to Evansville. This is not factored into the future enrollment projections. Future homes may not have the same number of kids per home. If you build it---less will come.

What are my thoughts on this? A site selection that is independent and has the approval of the board rather than foisted on the board for a rubber stamp is the way to go. The school board is charged with running the school district and setting policy---this future planning is an area where they are on the bubble. The site must be one THEY approve, not one selected by others. They have the obligation to govern---- nobody else.

The data of housing starts, nationally, as well as locally, provides the clear need for caution. Those who have overbuilt schools have paid a HUGH cost for the error. Evansville, with some restraint, has the possibility of getting it right.

Community involvement, REAL, not phoney, is the key. It should start now---not later. Openess builds trust. There is some improvement to be made. It is not just a matter of spin. It must be real genuine open process. The public will know the difference.

Where will the Observer be? Behind the camera. Catching the dialogue as our community procedes. Stay tuned.

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