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Wisconsin Wit

Monday, May 14, 2007

Classic "Grumps"---- On Cerberus and much,much more.

Click on the post for the latest from "Grumps"----he notes that Cerberus, the purchaser of Chrysler, is mythologically the guy that guards the gates of hell. Nice touch in "branding" strategy.

From Wikpedia is the following:

"In Greek mythology, Cerberus or Kerberos (Greek Κέρβερος, Kerberos, "demon of the pit") was the hound of Hades, a monstrous three-headed dog (sometimes said to have 50 or 100 heads) with a snake for a tail; he was also seen with a dragon's tail and serpentine mane.

Cerberus guarded the gate to Hades and ensured that spirits of the dead could enter, but none could exit (additionally no living person was to come into Hades). Among his siblings are; his sister, Chimera and his brother, Hydra. He is the offspring of Echidna and Typhon."

Then "Grumps" goes on to link this all to the "K" car. Yes. It is hard to believe that there was a time when Americans believed seriously that the "K" car was going to bring it out of economic decline.

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