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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Evansville School Board Election Results: Hammann, Herbers Elected

The following are the unofficial results:

Herbers ---710

Voters in Union played a significant role in the final numbers, and I will report on the breakdown further tomorrow.

Never before in Evansville school board history have voters been able to have audio, video as well as full press reporting for their school board race, as well as 6 candidates running.

The voters have spoken.


  1. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I think this was a really good turn out and I don't think it was at all expected. I think alot of it has to do with the fact of the issues that are facing the Evansville school district and people are paying attention. I think that sends a very good message to the administration that gone are the days when you have very little input from the public on what they want to see done. I think Richard and Melissa did a excellent job bringing attention to these issues, and the Observer played a very big part in this. Though I would have very much liked Richard and Melissa to get onto the board I congratulate them both on a great job.

  2. Mr.Woulfe we just wanted to take the time to thank you for taking your time to run for the school board. Even though I am disappointed I do think you made a big difference in community involvement in this election. You have brought the issues of the school district to the citizens of Evansville and made us all very aware of what is going on and I hope you continue to do that. We need you to continue to do this. Thank again.

  3. While I was one of your top supporters and am very sorry you were not seated on the Board, I must add that I do believe everything happens for a reason.
    Perhaps God felt (yes, I'm not afraid to bring Him into the conversation), that you have another, more important role on the School Board -- one that you have already started, and one that I hope, and am confident you will continue -- the audio and video broadcasting of School Board and City Meetings -- something that is very important. People don't always have time to attend meetings. Being able to view them in their home, at their convenience is important. Perhaps He knew your talents would be best used to help "get the word out" about what happens in our local government meetings. Maybe you'll be the one to start Evansville's own TV station???
    Thank you for stepping up to run for School Board and for all the audio and video coverage you give to School and city meetings. Your work is very important.

  4. I do like the radio station idea. I have the "Wolfman" handle....and voice... And...I can do more than just Bob Dylan...I promise. After all. If the Gazette can add two radio stations..I should have at least one, ya think?
