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Friday, April 20, 2007

Minutes: Evansville Park Board; April 16, 2007

City of Evansville, Wisconsin

Park and Recreation Board Regular Monthly Meeting

Evansville City Hall Council Chambers

April 16, 2007

Draft Minutes

1. Call to Order at 6:03 PM and Roll Call: Chair Juergens & members Farnsworth, Krueger, Merritt, Sendelbach present.� Member Carlsen excused. Member Jacobson absent. �Staff member Anderson present; �staff member Hamacher absent.

2. Minutes of March 19, 2007 meeting were unanimously approved on a voice vote.

3. The agenda for this meeting unanimously approved without alteration on a voice vote.

4. Citizen Appearances: None

5.� S.O.LE. Committee Report

����������� Gib Wiedenhoeft of SOLE reported through a telephone call to the chair that SOLE is continuing to work re: funding requests for lake restoration to both Senator Kohl�s and Congresswoman Baldwin�s office.� He also reported that a representative of the Army Corps of Engineers� Milwaukee office would be visiting Lake Leota in early May to assess the possibility of the Corps� participation in lake restoration.� City Administrator Wietecha, as well as members of SOLE, will be present when this representative is in Evansville

6. Discussion of Summer Baseball-Softball Policy

����������� a. The chair noted that City Ordinance gives the PRB the authority to supervise the management of �Little League programs�. �He reported that after discussion with Wietecha, it was not felt that a formal legal opinion from the City Attorney was required on the issue of who should play in the American League, that PRB could make a decision. He presented drafts of letters to Little League Director Katzenmeyer and A League of Their Own Director Hermanson to the board for discussion.� After discussion, Farnsworth moved, Krueger seconded to send the letters out, which, among other items, invite the directors to the May PRB meeting for policy discussions.� Motion passed unanimously.

����������� b. Farnsworth moved, Krueger seconded to welcome all 10-year olds of both genders to play in the American League for this year 2007 only.� Motion passed unanimously.� It was suggested that this motion be added to the letters mentioned above, and that policy for 2008 and beyond on this issue be part of the May PRB meeting agenda.

7. Discussion with representatives of the McKenna School group regarding the skate park.

����������� a. The chair recognized Brandon Frank, a staff member at McKenna Middle School and advisor to the Skate Club.� He and four members of the Skate Club presented a revised contract to be signed by those who wish to join the club.� The members are planning to have �sign-ups� at several coming public events in Evansville.� The club is considering a laminate pass rather than a wristband because of cost.� 14 adults have volunteered to supervise the skate park, and a schedule of when the park will be supervised by adults will be drawn up before the park opens. Two of those adults, Tina and David Rossmiller, were in attendance, in support of the skate club.� The club intends to publish this schedule in the Review, so that parents will know when the park is supervised.� Frank said that the schedule would also be given to the Police Department, so that the police might �cruise� the skate park area a bit more frequently when parents are not there.� Frank and club members requested that the park not be opened until the officers feel that the club is sufficiently well organized and has enough committed members and parents to have the skate park be a wholesome environment for the community.

����������� b. Krueger moved and Merritt seconded that the equipment be moved back onto the asphalt and the skate park opened only when the club requests it.� During discussion of the motion, Frank and club members expressed their hope that this would occur in early May at the latest.� The motion passed unanimously.�

8. Chair�s report on any actions of City Committees and Common Council on items of interest to PRB:

� �� �� �� �At its most recent meeting the Public Works Committee authorized the Public Works Department (PWD) in cooperation with the Evansville Fire Department to burn the dead vegetation off Lake Leota.� The burn was attempted within the last two weeks, but it failed, because the vegetation would not continue to burn.�

9.� Reports/Updates on Pending Park Projects & Maintenance: Park Maintenance Supervisor Ray Anderson

a.�Lake Leota Park:� PWD has decided to re-screen the lower diamond.� A current quote to similarly repair the upper diamond is deemed too high, and further quotes will be sought or the project postponed.� It is expected that 25-50 trees will be planted in the park this summer, including arbor vitae to screen the view of the Symdon parking lot from the pool area.� Last year�s offer from Symdon Chevrolet to donate $500 to this project is still good.

b.� Franklin Park: Mr. Kostroun requested further information from the architect on materials specifications prior to giving a price on construction of the shelter/gateway.� The chair will contact the architect to get the information requested. Trees and fence have been removed.� Member Merritt requested that, if the concrete pad at the basketball court is big enough, free-throw lines be painted on the concrete.�

c.� Countryside Park: Restroom construction is expected to resume later this week.� Merritt made a similar request for basketball court free-throw lines here.�

d.� West Side Park: the new mower has been purchased.� It still needs some assembly, and will be ready when the grass-cutting season begins.�

e.� other projects, if any:� Member Sendelbach requested that water be turned on and bathrooms be opened at Lake Leota park this week, because some school classes will be coming to assist in cleaning up the park.� These facilities are important for the children.

10.� Aquatic Report: Pool Director Rick Hamacher

� �� �� �� �Since the director was absent, the chair reported on a previous conversation between them.� The director assured the chair that the new solar panels will be in and working when the pool opens.�

11.�� Old Business

����������� a. The chair reported that the Primetimers are considering a garden club, but that one is not active yet.� The director of the Sr. Center believes having a club focus on caring for city parks and plantings would give direction to the club, and will let the chair know when and if a club is organized.

����������� b.� Tree planting in Lake Leota Park was discussed earlier.� The chair reported that after conversation with Public Works Director, it was decided not to pursue moving trees from Main Street to the park.� The �street� trees were judged not to be suitable for the park.

12. New Business

����������� a. There was discussion of another public hearing to determine citizens� priorities 2008�s improvements to the West Side Park.� It was concluded that the current 5-year plan is adequate, since it projects building a playground and parking area in 2008.� It was decided by consensus, without a motion, not to hold a public hearing.

����������� b. Member Sendelbach requested that the exact location of the easement for access to the West Side Park from Porter Road be plotted on a map of the park and made available to PRB.� This will be done prior to the May PRB meeting.

����������� c.� The May meeting of the PRB will be on May 21st, 2007 at 6 PM at City Hall.

13.� Motion to Adjourn (Jacobson, Farnsworth) approved at 6:51 pm.

Minutes drafted by Fred Juergens on April 20, 2007.� Minutes are not official until approved at a subsequent meeting of the PRB.

Fred Juergens, Chair: Park and Recreation Board

City of Evansville, Wisconsin

401 Badger Drive



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