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Friday, April 27, 2007

Union: Planning: Proposed Residential development to be 100 homes in long term--(7 years--)--20 in first phase----Audio Pending

(Ed. note: Stay tuned for full audio of the Union Planning Commission meeting last night regarding the proposal for residential development on territorial Road at M. )

The proposal by Randy Shotliff, presented last night by Ron Combs has been an evolving proposal from January 2007. At the initial meeting, there was a commercial component that was withdrawn just prior to the meeting. At the meeting in March 2007, the Planning commission had instructed the applicant to bring several items of information, including soil data, transportation data, approval of Evansville with respect to the extraterritorial approval, as well as covenants and homeowner association agreements that would be part of any development.

No attorneys were able to be present last night, so there was no detail on any convenant language. Because covenant language with respect to size and price of the units was critical to determine impact, some members felt that they could not make a decision without that information.

The Observer did mention that there was a joint meeting of Union and Evansville Planning commission in December of 2005 at which Supr. Carvin presented data on the school district, and at the conclusion of that meeting it was the general consensus that a joint effort to have an impact study done. Nothing has been done since that meeting.

Doug Zweizig said that the development proposed would be a big change for Union. Mr. Exum mentioned that knowing the covenants was important before and not after any possible approval.

Mr. Combs said that the city of Evansville planner had said that Evansville would not review the proposal till Union had acted on it.

Mr. Combs said that he would prepare some impact information for next month's meeting and have the details of the covenants that were being proposed available for the commission to review.

The commission voted unanimously to postpone decision to next month.

The full audio of this meeting will be posted later today.

Stay tuned to The Evansville Observer.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Dear Observer
    Thank you for your coverage on this matter and keeping us informed!
