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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Minutes: Town of Union; February 1, 2007; Eager Library

Town of Union Page 1 of 3 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2007
Minutes for February 1, 2007
The Town of Union Board regular monthly board meeting was called to order on February 1, 2007 at the
Eager Free Public Library, 39 W. Main Street, Evansville, W I at 7:00 p.m. by Chairman Kendall
Schneider. Supervisors George Franklin and Don Krajeck were also present. The Pledge of Allegiance
was recited.
Having read the minutes, Supervisor Franklin moved to waive the public reading of the minutes. Second
by Supervisor Krajeck. The minutes of the January 4, 2007 meeting were approved as written.
Sharon Franklin, Treasurer, distributed a revised December 2006 report and fund balances as of January
31, 2007 as follows:
Local Government Investment Pool General Fund $1,018.40
Park and Recreation Fund $11,451.61
UB&T Money Market Sweep Account $1,106,065.71
Of which $50,000 is Contingency Fund
UB&T Checking Account $21,000
Leedlemill Bridge Certificate of Deposit $16,607.20
Wayne Disch Memorial Park Fund $1,496.53
Morning Ridge Stub Road Certificate of Deposit $17,455.84
Treasurer’s report approved as read.

Constable’s Report & Dog Retainment Issues
Constable Kim Gruebling reported Tom Sawyer requested Kim to serve a Notice to Vacate at 16326 Cty
C, Evansville, WI 53536.

Building Inspector’s Report

Town of Union Building Inspector, Bob Fahey, reported issuing two (2) building permits and one (1)
driveway permit last month:
Date Permit
Parcel # Name Address Description Construction
Permit Fee
Fee Due
12-Jan-2007 07-1-B 6-20-86.4 Elaine Olson
10422 N Hwy 14 Electrical Service $110.00 $100.00

20-Jan-2007 07-2-B 6-20-284 O2 Investments
/Jason Olson
4945 W alker St/ 39 W alker St Remodel home $10,000.00 $230.00 $220.00

17-Jan-2007 07-1-D 6-20-244.6A John Morning7902 N Hwy M Driveway $400.00 $110.00

Public Comment: 5 minutes max/issue.
Street sign names: Northfield and North-Field, Forest Hollow and Forrest Hollow, Brooklyn- Evansville
and Dumphy vs. Dunphy street signs missing or misspelled.

Final CSM Approval of Park Land
Ron Combs surveyor for R-Four, Inc. presented a Plat of Survey Map for approval regarding the parkland
contribution for the Conifer Hills Subdivision. He state that a Warranty deed would be used for the saof of
adjoining properties since the townships owns the parkland (Wayne Disch Memorial Park) next to the area
in question and because there is no road access to the parkland.
Motion by Chairman Schneider to accept the warranty deed instead of the Certified Survey Map which
would satisfy the parkland dedication requirement of 2.65 acres for the entire Conifer Hills Subdivision.
Rohloffs will place a fence in the northwest corner once the township takes control over the land. Chuck is
currently using it as a hayfield. Second by Supervisor Franklin. Motion passed by unanimous rollcall vote.
Town of Union Page 2 of 3 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2007
Board Action: Teresa Shea and Allen Booth, 10244 N. Harold Dr., Brooklyn, WI 53521 request a
land division and zoning change for Parcel 6-20-67 located in the NE 1/4, SW 1/4 of Section 9. The
current parcel is 19.4 acres and zoned A1. The owners request to split off an 1.88 acre RR parcel
for the purpose of a relative building a home on the lot. This parcel is located at the south end of
Harold Drive. Plan Commission recommended denial on January 25, 2007.
Motion by Chairman Schneider second by Supervisor Franklin to deny the application request because the
request was not consistant with the Comprehensive Plan. Motion approved by unanimous roll call vote.

Board Action: Stella Krumwiede, 6516 N. Weary Road, Evansville, WI 53536 requests a land
division, conditional use permit and zoning change to create a new 3.1± acre parcel zoned B1 from
a 35.24 acre A1 parcel (6-20-311) for the purposes of constructing an electric sub-station. The
remaining 31.5± acre parcel would be rezoned A2. Plan Commission recommended approval of
conditional use permit only, no land division or zoning change on January 25, 2007 .

Ron Combs indicated according to our ordinance someone cannot have more than a ten year lease
without dividing off the land area being leased (Section 16.06(B)) of the Land Division Ordinance.

Ron suggested approving the conditional use permit and approve a certified survey map to create a new
parcel which would be a non-confirming A-1 for the 3.1 acre parcel and a non-confirming A-1 for the
remaining 31.5 acre parcel.

Supervisor Krajeck moved to refer this matter back to the Plan Commission to have them look at
accepting a certified survey map for creating a new 3.1± non-conforming parcel zoned A1 from the 35.24
acre A1 parcel (6-20-311) for the purposes of constructing an electric sub-station. The remaining 31.5±
acre parcel would become a non-conforming A1. Second by Chairman Schneider. Motion approved by
unanimous roll call vote.

Board Action: Paul Maas, 17816 W. Evansville-Brooklyn Rd., WI 53536 requests a land division and
zoning change to separate off a 1.5 acre RR parcel from the current 77 A1 parcel. Parcel is Parcel
# 6-20-150. The owner requests this split for his son to build a house on.
Plan Commission on
January 25, 2007 recommended denial.

Motion by Supervisor Franklin to deny the request because it does not fit the current Comprehensive Plan
and citizen concerns.

Second by Chairman Schneider. Motion passed by 2-1 roll call vote. Chairman
Schneider Y Supervisor Franklin -Y Supervisor Krajeck - abstained. Supervisor Franklin noted a lot had
been previously divided.

Notice of Claim from Aloysius Dahmen & Steven Evers
The claim from Dahmen and Evers is for $3,059 for the damage to daylilies which they said was damaged
during the roadwork done on the intersection of Territorial Rd and Cemetary Rd. MSA indicated the item
about the placement of the stakes is incorrect and that the stakes had been placed in the correct place.
Chairman Schneider will request the MSA documentation to determine what information and proof they
have of the stakes being correct.

Territorial Rd Project Finalization
There are still items needing attention by McGuire. Supervisor Krajeck felt McGuire should finish what is
in the contract and that if we run into extra interest costs for the bank loan that we should charge that back
to MSA and/or McQuire. Kendall will be in contact with MSA. No action at this time. The loan has been
extended to April 20, 2007.

TRIP Funding Reimbursement & Application
The township cannot apply until all costs are paid.
Ordinance modification to allow reclamation gravel pit as a conditional use under A1.

Brett Frank indicated the current Special Purpose districts were put into effect in 1997. A public hearing
would be required to change the ordinance to allow a reclamation gravel pit under A1 conditional use.
Town of Union Page 3 of 3 Monthly Board Meeting Minutes - February 1, 2007

Ron Combs indicated that with a legal description the parcel could have two different zoning types.
Brett will be going to see Andrew Baker (Gravel pit contact for Rock Co. Land Conservation Dept.)
regarding his reclamation plan. Chairman Chairman Schneider and hopefully Plan Commission Alvin
Francis will join in that meeting too.
Review A3 zoning conditional uses.
Motion by Chairman Schneider to have the Plan Commission review an ordinance modification for A3
zoning conditional uses for telephone, telegraph and electric transmission lines, buildings or structures.
Second by Supervisor Krajeck. Motion approved by unanimous voice vote.
Resolution modifying fees for zoning/conditional use/land division applications
Motion by Chairman Schneider to change the application fee language for the Conditional Use Permit
(Non land Division) to $500 + actual costs incurred by Town of Union for attorney fees and engineering
fees and all other costs associated with the application review and approval process; and to change the
application fee language for conditional Use Permit (Land Division A1, A2, or A3) to $750 + actual costs
incurred by Town of Union for attorney fees and engineering fees and all other costs associated with the
application review and approval process. Second by Supervisor Krajeck. Motion carried by unanimous
voice vote.
Discussion of special meeting to address procedure concerns for modifying the Comprehensive
Plan and addressing zoning/conditional use/land division applications.
A meeting will be held on February 8th with an agenda to be set by Chairman Schneider and Alvin Francis
to discuss procedural items for the Plan Commission and Town Board in processing applications.
Information Sharing of New Buildings with Rock County for County Maps.
Motion by Chairman Schneider to make Supervisor Franklin the contact person and Supervisor Krajeck as
the alternate for updating the county maps for buildings.
Operator’s License for Red Barn & Union Tavern & Bob Hall
Chairman Schneider moved to approve operator license for Lisa Rivers and Erik Bradley at Level 8 and
Bob Hall as an independent operator expiring June 30 , 2007. Second by Supervisor Krajeck. Motion
approved by unanimous voice vote.

Reimbursement request for voting machine
Clerk O’Leary will be completing the request for reimbursement from the state.
Pay bills
There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was made by Supervisor Krajeck,
second by Chairman Schneider to adjourn the meeting. Bills were approved for payment and the meeting
was adjourned.
Linda A. O'Leary, Clerk

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